
I am a graduate of the Art College in Halifax, N.S. This is always the first item in any bio or resume I write because it is my most exotic life experience. I continue to find new challenges or dredge up old dreams to fulfill in an attempt to find an experience which might equate with having a child; not that I wanted to have one. I'm only seeking justification for my choice..."see, this is a better life choice than child bearing/rearing". But really, now at the midpoint of a possible century of existence, I find I'm bored. I often say I woundn't mind dying. I hope no one takes this as depressing or suicidal in its meaning. I see it much more philosophically. I feel quite detatched which leaves me comfortable, content, flexible; in fact I'm glad to be rid of the angst inducing passion of my youth. My art is better for the equilibrium. And what usually happens following these introspective "life-examinations" is that I get renewed energy for more research - which is what I call my endeavours.

Following is a form of my art. "Declarations" would be a good working title. I record these using a Walkman and sometimes use them in a virtual world:

"What am I to do? I wake up to find I am in a system I do not like, I can not change and I can not tolerate." So begin the birthpains of change.

Virtual Reality is what I am doing now in my job. I also work on webpage design. "Virtual reality is brilliant - an appropriate metaphor for a society that is beginning to understand that living is as abstract as it is real."

I was born midcentury on June 1st in Halifax Nova Scotia. That labels me as a gemini and I've been told I am like one. I enjoy "owning" two stars in the sky and being able to claim multiple facets to my personality.


This is the metabiography of Uranus.
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