Re-Reading the News
In addition to the instructions on this page, each section of the HTML Editor
has its own instructions, as required.
- Where and When Edits Take Place
- Types of Edits
- Selecting Items
For most edits:
- choose the types of edits in the HTML Editor
select the item to which the edit will apply.
The change will occur immediately.
An exception to this sequence is in the
functions, where you (1)
select an item
and then (2) move, copy, or edit the text of the selected item.
Where - Insertion Points:
Stylistic changes, like font and type size, occur as expected on the item
which has been selected for the
- Insertions occur in front of the item
Insertions include:
moving and copying
- lines breaks
- spaces between words
- paragraphs breaks.
The effect of inserting a line-break, for instance, is
to shift the item down one line down on the screen,
a paragraph break shifts it two lines down.
- insert new text, inserting it on the same line as the insertion
point, on a new line or use it to start a new paragraph;
- format text for size, font, bold and italic, shift
a line of text down a line or have it start a new paragraph and add a space
between words;
- text-edit: change any text which appears on the screen
or move or copy it to a new location on the screen;
- change the colors of text and background.
Single items:
Items are selected by holding down the ALT key and clicking on the item. The
selected item will be highlighted. You can
unselect an item by
holding down the ALT key and clicking on it again.
Note: The links
in the Editing Window are Active. Clicking on a link without holding down
the ALT key will bring up the linked-to page in a new window.
Multiple items
You can select multiple items by holding down the SHIFT key and running the
mouse cursor along the contiguous items you wish to select.